#JusticeForKamil ~ Gerbang Tempur Maya Penyokong <b>Bola Sepak</b> <b>...</b> |
- #JusticeForKamil ~ Gerbang Tempur Maya Penyokong <b>Bola Sepak</b> <b>...</b>
- World Cup 2014 bermula tapi dimana <b>bolasepak Malaysia</b> sekarang <b>...</b>
- Pemain tumbuk pengadil aksi <b>bola sepak</b> di Limbang – BorneoPost <b>...</b>
- LIGA <b>BOLASEPAK MALAYSIA</b>: Penangan cirit-birit
#JusticeForKamil ~ Gerbang Tempur Maya Penyokong <b>Bola Sepak</b> <b>...</b> Posted: 15 Jun 2014 09:56 PM PDT Mengapa Singapura salah kerana menuduh seorang penyokong atas dakwaan kesalahan 'menjerit' di stadium bolasepak semasa perlawanan berlangsung: (Why Singapore is wrong to charge a football fan for allegedly 'shouting' at a football stadium during a football match): Kamil Case No: SC-903309-2014 UIN: G9060941L Last court date: 9 June 2014 Next court date: 7 July 2014 Court location: Court no. 17 I act for myself, Kamil . I am charged with an offence punishable under Section 20 of the Miscellaneous Offences (Public Order and Nuisance) Act, Chapter 184, for behaving in a disorderly manner, to wit, by repeatedly shouting at the top of my voice, on the 20th day of May 2014 at or about 9.00pm, along Horne Road, which is a public place. I write to seek an agreed resolution of this matter by having the charge withdrawn. The case against me is essentially that I was alleged to have shouted at the top of my voice along Horne Road, which is a public place. For present purposes, I presume in the prosecution's favour that a witness's testimony establishes a case against me. Even from that point, the evidence is incapable of proving beyond a reasonable doubt that I have committed the offence. There are nine reasons for the above submission: 1. DPP , as witnessed by the learned judge and the translator, had expressly stated to me during PTC on the 9th June 2014 that "you did not shout at the top of your voice but you did shout at the police". The DPP's statement clearly contradicts the charge and therefore raises serious doubts to the prosecution's allegation. 2. I did not commit the alleged offence described as being "repeatedly shouting at the top of your voice". I need to emphasise again that I did not according to the charge read to me, shout at the top of my voice. Unlike other supporters of the visiting team, I came to the Jalan Besar Stadium by car with two of my friends and when I arrived at or about 8.50pm, I saw supporters of the home team started to come out of the stadium, indicating that the first half of the football match had just finished. When I was discussing with one of the FAS officers to allow myself and my friends to enter the stadium, I heard a commotion from where four supporters of the visiting team were arrested. I immediately went to see the arrests and as soon as I arrived at a spot where police line tape was installed, I was pounced from behind by two or three men, which I presume are police officers; 3. The description of the place of the alleged offence as being "along Horne Road, which is a public place", is not consistent with a video footage that I have in my possession. The video footage shows that the arrest was made at the Jalan Besar Stadium, and not at the shop lot buildings along Horne Road across from the Jalan Besar Stadium nor on Horne Road;
3.—(1) It is an offence to take part at a designated football match in chanting of an indecent or racialist nature. (2) For this purpose— (a) "chanting" means the repeated uttering of any words or sounds in concert with one or more others; and (b) "of a racialist nature" means consisting of or including matter which is threatening, abusive or insulting to a person by reason of his colour, race, nationality (including citizenship) or ethnic or national origins. 5. I presume the prosecution had intentionally and clearly omitted in the charge, the name of the place of arrest, which is Jalan Besar Stadium, and instead stated the place 'along Horne Road' because the prosecution is aware that the Jalan Besar Stadium is a place where sporting event is held, and the prosecution is aware that it is the nature of such place where sporting event is held where even public shouting, much less public chanting of a sport team's slogan and song, is not considered as disorderly; 6. The Section 20 of the Miscellaneous Offences (Public Order and Nuisance) Act, Chapter 184 has expressly stated four places (any public road, any public place, place of public amusement, resort) where the offence is committed. However a notable omission is that the place of sporting event is not expressly mentioned. This glaring omission points to the nature of place where sporting event is held where even shouting is not considered as disorderly; 7. For the purpose of interpretation of the place where the offence is committed, Section 1(2)(a) of the English Football (Offences) Act 1991 described "a designated football match include anything done at the ground within the period beginning two hours before the start of the match and ending one hour after the end of the match": 1.—(2) References in this Act to things done at a designated football match include anything done at the ground— (a) within the period beginning two hours before the start of the match or (if earlier) two hours before the time at which it is advertised to start and ending one hour after the end of the match; or (b) where the match is advertised to start at a particular time on a particular day but does not take place on that day, within the period beginning two hours before and ending one hour after the advertised starting time. If "repeatedly shouting at the top of one's voice" during a football match, which means "at the ground within the period beginning two hours before the start of the match and ending one hour after the end of the match" is considered unlawful, this will result in an absurd situation where supporters are expected to be quiet for a minimum of four hours and forty five minutes when going to the ground (stadium) to attend a football match. Such absurd legal conclusion should be avoided in light of the coming ASEAN Football Federation Cup tournament, which Singapore will be hosting in six months' time; 8. The prosecution argued that the alleged disorderly behaviour went on for about half an hour, indicating a "high level of disobedience" to police instructions to stand down and disperse. This is not true since I had only arrived at the stadium at or about 8.50pm when the supporters of the home team started to come out of the stadium, indicating the half time interval; 9. I presume the prosecution is aware that the security forces had caused severe frustration to supporters of the visiting team who have travelled to the Jalan Besar Stadium from another country, by refusing admission even when the supporters held valid match tickets and there was a convenient interval in the match. Unlike match tickets issued in previous football match held at the same stadium, nowhere was printed on the match tickets that admission is strictly for a supporter of the host team and not supporter of the visiting team. Even when the statement 'FAS TERMS & CONDITIONS APPLY' was printed on the match tickets, FAS as the promoter and TicketBooth as the agent on behalf of the promoter should give sufficient notice to the ticket buyer by drawing the attention of the buyer to the terms & conditions. This is consistent with the principle established by Lord Denning MR in the case of Thornton v Shoe Lane Parking Ltd [1971] 2 QB 163: "All I say is that it is so wide and so destructive of rights that the court should not hold any man bound by it unless it is drawn to his attention in the most explicit way."
World Cup 2014 bermula tapi dimana <b>bolasepak Malaysia</b> sekarang <b>...</b> Posted: 12 Jun 2014 05:20 PM PDT World Cup 2014 sudah bermula dengan Brazil berjaya menyelamatkan keadaan untuk menang perlawanan pertama. Banyak penyandang World Cup seperti Argentina, Italy, dll kalah atau seri di perlawanan pembukaan. Penyandang Spain tidak main di hari pembukaan namun penyandang 5 kali Brazil hampir menemui nasib masa apabila pemain pertahanan brazil Marcello menjaring gol sendiri. Neymar berjaya menjaringkan gol penyamaan sebelum masa rehat dan menambah gold kemenangan di separuh masa kedua. Oscar 22 tahun melakukan solo dari pertengah padang untuk menjaring gol penghabis cerita untuk Brazil mengakhiri perlawanan pertama yang mengejutkan di masa awal dengan kemenangan 3-1. Ini hanya mengingatkan kita pada suatu kenyataan oleh seorang Timbalan Presiden FAM lepas yang meletakkan ratget 2014 untuk ke World Cup. Adakah sasaran ini untuk pasukan bolasepak atau pengadil bola sepak Malaysia? Negara yang pernah kita titing titingkan saja dahulu di dalam arena bolasepak seperti Korea Selatn, Jepun, Saudi Arabia, dan lain-lain negara Timur Tengah sudah jadi nama biasa di persada World Cup. Malaysia masih di mana? Adakah sebabnya kerana orang yang gagal masih lagi dinaikkan kepada peranan lebih tinggi untuk terus gagal? Betullah suatu ketika bila Khairy menyuarakan rasa menyampahnya dengan pengurusan FAM yang merupakan pengurusan sukan yang terbesar di negara ini. Diapun pernah pegang jawatan dalam FAM sebelum jadi Menteri Sukan. Maka jawapan kepada soalan sebelum ini adalah Tepuk dada tanya selera. Nak menang ke nak mengampu dan bermain politik persatuan???? |
Pemain tumbuk pengadil aksi <b>bola sepak</b> di Limbang – BorneoPost <b>...</b> Posted: 28 Apr 2014 02:23 PM PDT LIMBANG: Belum pun reda isu Pengurus Johor Darul Ta'zim II, On Jabar menumbuk muka pengadil, Sukri Abdul Rahman selepas tamat perlawanan antara pasukannya dengan UiTM di Stadium Majlis Perbandaran Pasir Gudang (MPPG), Limbang dikejutkan dengan insiden sama apabila salah seorang pemain menumbuk muka pengadil pada Kejohanan Bola Sepak Sembilan Sebelah Peringkat Negeri Sarawak Zon Utara di sini petang Sabtu lalu. Insiden menggemparkan itu menyebabkan pengadil berkenaan mengalami kecederaan di ba- hagian muka dan menerima dua jahitan dan kes berkenaan masih dalam siasatan polis. Selain itu, segelintir peminat turut mendakwa pengadil tidak menjalankan tugas dengan adil apabila terdapat beberapa keputusan yang dibuat tidak memihak kepada pasukan berkenaan. Pengerusi Persatuan Bola Sepak Limbang (LFA), Dr Abdul Rahman Ismail melahirkan perasaan terkejut sebaik dimaklumkan insiden memalukan itu semalam. Katanya, faktor terlalu mengikut emosi dan ghairah untuk mencapai kemenangan menyebabkan pemain berkenaan bertindak melulu sehingga menumbuk muka pengadil. "Kita faham banyak pasukan baharu menyertai kejohanan itu dan mereka terlalu terbawabawa dengan emosi sehingga mencetuskan insiden yang tidak diingini," katanya di sini semalam. Dr Abdul Rahman yang juga Ahli Dewan Undangan Negeri (ADUN) Bukit Kota mahu ketua dan pengurus pasukan agar dapat memberi taklimat dan nasihat kepada anak-anak buah masing- masing pada masa akan datang bagi mengelak 'pisang berbuah dua kali'. Kejohanan Bola Sepak Sembilan Sebelah yang berlangsung di Kompleks Sukan Limbang hujung minggu lalu dianjurkan Jabatan Belia dan Sukan (JBS) Bahagian Limbang dan LFA turut bekerjasama membantu kejohanan itu dari segi teknikal. Dr Abdul Rahman berkata, LFA bersedia membantu dan bekerjasama dengan penganjur jika diminta berhubung insiden berkenaan yang kini masih dalam siasatan polis. Katanya, LFA akan bertindak tegas bagi mengelak insiden sama berulang pada Liga Limbang akan datang. "Kita tidak teragak-agak mengambil tindakan dan siasatan melalui Lembaga Disiplin terhadap mereka yang mencetuskan sebarang insiden yang tidak dingini jika berlaku pada kejohanan yang dianjurkan LFA (Liga Limbang). "Siasatan menyeluruh juga dijalankan termasuk terhadap pengadil yang dikatakan 'berat sebelah' sekiranya perkara itu berlaku pada Liga Limbang 2014 nanti," jelasnya. LFA juga akan memberi taklimat kepada semua pengurus, jurulatih dan termasuk pengadil bagi memastikan mereka menjalankan tugas seadil-adilnya dalam Liga Limbang. "Kita memberi jaminan akan memastikan Liga Limbang 2014 berjalan dengan bersih bagi mengelak insiden sedemikian mencemarkan liga sekali gus industri bola sepak tempatan. "Ini termasuk menyingkirkan pasukan yang mencetuskan masalah dan tidak terkawal," katanya. |
LIGA <b>BOLASEPAK MALAYSIA</b>: Penangan cirit-birit Posted: 09 Jun 2014 05:59 PM PDT Sumber: Harian Metro Kuala Lumpur: Gara-gara keracunan makanan, 14 pemain Perlis mengalami cirit-birit sehingga perlawanan Liga Perdana menentang UiTM di Stadium UiTM, Shah Alam semalam terpaksa ditunda. Kesemua pemain terbabit terpaksa mendapatkan rawatan di klinik UiTM kira-kira dua jam sebelum perlawanan bermula pada jam 4.45 petang dan selepas mendapat pengesahan pegawai perubatan Persatuan Bolasepak Malaysia (FAM), perlawanan itu ditangguhkan ke hari ini. Menurut Pegawai Media Persatuan Bolasepak Perlis (PFA) Saifulnizan Othman, pihaknya masih menyiasat punca masalah yang dialami hampir sebahagian pemain termasuk tiga pemain import Mourad Faris, Dao Bakary dan Bamba valy Sinaly itu. "Kami terkejut apabila ramai pemain cirit-birit sebelum perlawanan petang tadi (semalam). Kami belum mengetahui punca masalah ini, mungkin di sebabkan makanan yang diambil pemain malam semalam sebaik tiba di Shah Alam (kelmarin). "Hampir kesemua pemain yang sakit itu pemain utama, kesemua mereka terpaksa mendapatkan rawatan di klinik UiTM kira-kira jam 3 petang. Selepas mengadakan perbincangan dengan pihak UiTM dan FAM, perlawanan itu ditunda jadi kami harap kesemua pemain terbabit kembali pulih untuk beraksi esok (hari ini)," katanya ketika dihubungi Arena Metro semalam. Pertembungan menentang UiTM hari ini cukup penting buat Perlis yang kini bergelut untuk keluar daripada zon penyingkiran apabila berada di tangga kedua tercorot daripada 12 pasukan. Berikutan jurulatih Reduan Abdullah direhatkan pihak pengurusan, penolongnya Zulhamizan Zakaria mempunyai misi cukup penting untuk memastikan bekas juara Liga Super 2005 itu mengutip tiga mata penuh hari ini. |
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